mathilde monnier & christine angot
world premiere montpellier dance 05
8 years after Arrêtez, arrêtons, arrête, Mathilde Monnierhooks up again with writer Christine Angot, but this time both artistsare in the limelight. They form a duo, expressing themselves by way ofdance and text. Their aim is to experience dialoging together onstage.
“What is bourgeoisie? What is happiness? Am I bourgeois? Am I happy?Are there any criteria? Am I aware of them? How so? Who taught them tome? Mathilde Monnier was born to a bourgeois family of Alsaceindustrialists from Mulhouse. In which she never felt at ease. Can onebe ill at ease in the bourgeoisie? But it’s everyone’s paragon. Andwhat are my own social roots? What are our social roots and bourgeoisaspirations? Do we even understand what this means? What is myrelationship with bourgeoisie? To what extent has it shaped me? Whatsort of fascination, pride and hatred goes into our attitude tobourgeoisie? Do we understand the bourgeois codes? Self-control. Abourgeois is someone who agrees to anything in order to merge with hisclass. He doesn’t suffocate. He figures out how to grab puffs of oxygenin order to fulfill personal desires and urges. What are art andtheater to him? Another puff of oxygen, or of anguish? Reminding himthat he has a dream life, that he owns everything under the sun exceptfor the stage, literature, imagination?” christine angot
a creation by and with mathilde monnier and christine angot
with annie tolleter scenography
light design eric wurtz
sound realisation olivier renouf
observer rita quaglia
production festival montpellier danse 2005, theatre garonne - toulouse,scene nationale de cavaillon, centre choregraphique national demontpellier languedoc-roussillon
with the support of la fondation beaumarchais - SACD